Factors You Need to Address Before Buying Progressive Glasses

These days, more and more people are using progressive glasses. There are different types that you need to know about. Before you shop for your next pair, you need to know the different types, and why you need these types of eyewear items. It is also a good idea to find out why these eyewear items cost so much.

It Takes Time to Adjust to Progressive glasses

Another thing that you need to think about regarding choosing your progressives is that it takes time to adjust to them. In the beginning, you may experience a little distortion of vision and you may even experience blurry vision when you move your head. Also, it takes time before you can transition between distance viewing and reading.

Eliminating Common Problems

The good news is you can find progressive glasses that are designed to eliminate common problems such as distortion and blurred vision.  However, for the first few days after buying your eyewear, you may not feel comfortable using your eyewear. It all depends on your vision problem and prescription.

Avoid Progressive eyewear with small frames

When choosing your progressives, you should avoid small frames. At the very least, you need to use frames that are between 28 and 30 millimeters tall. Small frames can cause improper coverage of all 3 fields of view – near, intermediate, and distance. Also, they can cause interference with your near vision and so you will find it difficult to read or see things up close.

Look through the Proper part of the progressive lenses

Next, before buying your progressive eyeglasses, you must ensure that you know how to look through the proper part of the lens. For example, the top part should be used when driving to see things at a distance. If you are using a computer, then you need to look through the middle part of the lens, and for reading, you have to look through the bottom part of the lens. If you do not look through the right part of the lens, you may not be able to focus your vision properly.

Cost More

Another factor that you need to address is that the premium progressives cost more than your standard ones. However, the good part about choosing premium progressives is you can customize them to suit your individual needs. So, it may be worth paying extra to own a premium pair.

Visit an Eye Specialist

Finally, make sure that you visit an eye specialist to have your progressive lenses fitted. This is especially important if you are thinking about owning a premium pair. Also, be sure to pick the right progressive lenses for your working conditions. For example, if you plan on using your progressives at work in an office you may require a wider middle section to ensure that you can properly focus on a computer screen.

The bottom line is that before buying progressive glasses, you need to factor in things like the amount of time it takes for you to adjust to your new eyewear. You should also choose the right frames – which should not be too small – and you need to know how progressive lenses work. You also need to factor in the price factor and be sure to pay special attention to the progressive lens fitting.

Now that you know how to choose your progressives, be sure to check out Cheapglassses123.com. They have a wide selection and charge a very reasonable price for good quality eyewear.